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Category: Adventures in Faith

The Eclipse – All Things Denote There is a God

There are a few experiences in my life that have confirmed the existence of God and bore firm testimony of my faith.  One of them is Ek’ Balam.  (I’ll do a post about it someday.)  Seeing the total Eclipse was another.

Before the eclipse, I did a little research to find out what was so special about eclipses.  Eclipses do happen on other planets.  However, on earth, our moon is the perfect size to cover the sun completely to create a total eclipse.  If the moon was smaller or the moon was further away or closer, then the beautiful corona (the ring created) wouldn’t happen.  In fact, because our moon is slowly moving away from the earth, someday, there will no longer be total eclipses, only partial eclipses.  The orbit of our moon and the earth are also special.  If our moon was on a different path around our earth, then a total eclipse would not be possible.  I definitely see the Creator’s hand here.

Having seen the total eclipse, I will never miss seeing another one where it is possible to see it.  It was one of the most remarkable and memorable experiences.  And let me tell you, seeing it at 90% or 95% or 99% is not enough.  Seeing photographs or videos is not enough.  The difference is like a roller coaster.  Someone can describe a roller coaster to me or even show me a video of the roller coaster, but until I experience it for myself, I will not truly understand what it is like.  The same is true for the total eclipse, until you have experienced it for yourself, you will not know how wonderful of an experience, how beautiful, how mystifying, how magnificent it is.

As I watched the totality, I was impressed to think about heaven.  In D&C 137:1-4, the Prophet Joseph Smith describes a vision he has had where he sees heaven.  “The heavens were opened upon us, and I beheld the celestial kingdom of God, and the glory thereof, whether in the body or out I cannot tell.  I saw the transcendent beauty of the gate through which the heirs of that kingdom will enter, which was like unto circling flames of fire; Also the blazing throne of God, whereon was seated the Father and the Son. I saw the beautiful streets of that kingdom, which had the appearance of being paved with gold.”  I love the words he uses to try to grasp in any small manner what he has seen.  Until we are able to see heaven, to experience it ourselves, we do not truly understand how beautiful, how mystifying or how magnificent it is.

Next time there is an eclipse, I will make sure all my friends and family are there to witness it.  My husband and I were fortunate enough to travel to Casper, WY to be with some friends but our son wasn’t there with us because of his work schedule.  It was heartbreaking to think that he wasn’t able to see it.  Also, we had several close friends who didn’t get to travel to see the total eclipse.  We wish so much that we could have had them all with us.  We will definitely do all we can in the future to make sure those we love are with us to experience this.

So, now I am asking myself, “am I doing all I can to make sure my friends and family are with me in heaven?”  Probably not.  A few weeks after the eclipse I celebrated the 25 anniversary of my baptism into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I love my faith.  I love who it has made me.  I do want to share that with my friends and family but it takes effort.

Lastly, as I mentioned, the totality was the amazing part.  I have seen eclipses before – partial eclipses.  But totality was something far beyond.  It wasn’t just 1% better than 99%.  It was 1000 times better than 99% and probably more.  I guess that is the difference for us living the gospel at 99% versus 100%.  When we live it at 100%, our blessings are multiplied far more than the small difference in our effort.